ical and geo/location (was Re: A Japanese ...)

Hi, I've been thinking about geo and iCal for a while.

>    <Vevent>
>      <location>New York, Sheraton Hotel</location>
>      <geo>
>	<geo:Point>
>            <geo:lat>40.442673</geo:lat> <!--invented GPS coords-->
>            <geo:long>-79.945815</geo:long>
>	</geo:Point>
>      </geo>

Adding geo: vocabulary to RDFical data is very welcome. But I wonder geo
coordinates are better to be associated with location (or Place), rather
than event itself. So, how about

 <location rdf:parseType='Resource'>
  <dc:title>New York, Sheraton Hotel</dc:title>

If we want to add some information on NY Sheraton (not the event) such as
url of the Hotel homepage or photo of the hotel, this can be extended as:

 <location rdf:parseType='Resource'>
  <dc:title>New York, Sheraton Hotel</dc:title>
  <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="..."/>
  <foaf:depiction rdf:resource="..."/>

And if, say, 10 events in a calendar will be held at the same place, we can
write simply

 <location rdf:nodeID="aaa"/>
<ex:Place rdf:nodeID="aaa">

without repeating the same information on the place.

Hmm.., but this requires the change of range of <location>, and "changing
the range of properties could cause problems" as Morten noted... then, is
it better to use <geo> of ical for this structured description (not a good
fit name, but is not defined in the schema yet) ?

I prefer using <location> for structured description, if possible.


KANZAKI, Masahide a.k.a. masaka
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Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2003 09:06:21 UTC